Acting, singing, dancing? It is all possible at NEST! NEST is the theatre association for all students and employees of the University of Twente and the Saxion who want to start or grow in the theatre world. NEST gives lessons in all techniques you might need on the stage. They follow the century-old Dutch wisdom: “Het is niet het resultaat dat telt, maar de weg er naartoe”. Their goal is to teach members to reach their full potential.
Don’t want to perform on stage? NEST can still offer something for you! Are you interested in decor, makeup, costumes, theatre techniques? You are most welcome in the association, the productions depend on these people too!
Besides theatre, they have much more fun stuff, such as drinks, activities and rehearsal weekends.
NEST has both English and Dutch speaking groups.
Rehearsal times
Group | Day | Time |
Musical (NL) | Tuesday | 19:15-22:00 |
TheatreLab (EN) | Tuesday | 19:15-22:00 |
Toneel (NL) | Thursday | 19:15-22:00 |
InterNEST (EN) | Thursday | 19:15-22:00 |
Location: Agora, Kleine Zaal & Balletstudio, Vrijhof
Website: nest.utwente.nl
Email: board@nest.utwente.nl